
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Classes started and Instructor's Show

Classes at Chastain Arts Center have begun and I am teaching two silk dye painting classes this time. I am seeing some really nice work coming from my students and feel like a proud "mother!" I also have two pieces in the Chastain Instructor's Show in the Gallery at Chastain Arts Center, so if you have a moment this weekend (Oct 17-18), come by and see my pieces and enjoy the other instructors' art.

I am having the "advance" students try their hand at shading on some star lily designs. It's time consuming but they are doing great with their petal shading. The picture is a demo piece I used to show them how to do shading. We will be using other techniques to put in the details later.

1 comment:

  1. My pal is in a show! These star lilies are beautiful! I want to take a class from you one day.
