After trying to get my email, my website, my computer to fix for hours I gave up, ate dinner, and worked on this piece to de-stress. It's almost done, just the background needs dye. It's a 14"x14" tiny little pillow cushion. I've been painting it for maybe over 4 hours. That's not including the time I spent applying the gutta resist. Hmmm.....these take a long time, but it was so much fun. Much more fun than trying to get my computer to work.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Classes started and Instructor's Show
Classes at Chastain Arts Center have begun and I am teaching two silk dye painting classes this time. I am seeing some really nice work coming from my students and feel like a proud "mother!" I also have two pieces in the Chastain Instructor's Show in the Gallery at Chastain Arts Center, so if you have a moment this weekend (Oct 17-18), come by and see my pieces and enjoy the other instructors' art.
I am having the "advance" students try their hand at shading on some star lily designs. It's time consuming but they are doing great with their petal shading. The picture is a demo piece I used to show them how to do shading. We will be using other techniques to put in the details later.