
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Last Weekend's Workshop in Rozome

We had a wonderful master silk artist Kiranada Benjamin come to Atlanta for a 3 day workshop on Rozome, Japanese wax resist. Although she was able to only show us a few techniques in that short time, her 40 plus years of experience impressed us. Her work is gorgeous Kiranada Benjamin's Website and how she quickly did a bokashi (blending) demo was like magic. Especially after each of us tried it on our own. This is going to take a lot of practice... and very special handmade Japanese brushes.

My favorite brush is this one. It's tanuki hair (don't know if American raccoons have the same type of "hair") and is stiff, dense, and I get much control with this. Worth every penny! Yes, it's super expensive.

Here are some of my practice samples of bokashi:

This is going to take years of practice. Notice I couldn't even make a perfect circle.

We also crackled the wax resist and also etched on the thick wax. Here are some more samples: